Freshly Dropped

Freshly Dropped

App & Logo Design 2021

Freshly Dropped is a design brief I found on which I used challenge myself to a 1-day design challenge. Concept is to take design brief and create a full design and mockup in one day. The idea was not to create something perfect but was to challenge myself to create something whole.

Online Design Brief: “We would like you to design the interface of this app. On the homepage, we would like our users to be able to just scroll through recipes that they might find interesting. There should also be a function to filter the recipes (e.g. filter on ingredients or courses), a search bar to type in ingredients or dishes, and a button to press if you do want to order something through Freshly Dropped. We also want there to be different tabs within the app on the bottom of the screen (as in Instagram), where you can see the recipes that you have favorited, your shopping list, and an ‘about’ page of Freshly Dropped. We want you to use some shade of light green in the app, as it fits the fresh vegetable vibe”

Mockup psd created by user17882893 –